Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Relic

Comedian Patton Oswalt tweeted this a while ago to draw attention to the Texas GOP’s educational policies. That is certainly something to ponder, but what caught my eye while scrolling through the pdf was this gem:

Homosexuality ― We affirm that the practice of homosexuality tears at the fabric of society and contributes to the breakdown of the family unit. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans. Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle, in public policy, nor should “family” be redefined to include homosexual “couples.”

I am astounded by the sheer level of animus present in a statement; if written by any other anti-gay group, they would at least try to hide the hate. Normally they portray themselves as satisfied with simply denying marriage equality to gay people—the Republican Party of Texas actually professes umbrage with the homosexual “lifestyle.” They take offense to gay people being gay.

In this day and age, it is difficult to find people with such brashly archaic opinions. It is—to put it mildly—not a future-proof statement; it will come back to bite them in their asses. There may still be a (shrinking) portion of people who oppose gay marriage, but you would have a harder time finding people who openly dislike homosexuality itself. It is puzzling that they chose to take such a position in such a time of change.

I would say I can only hope that people will look back on this in the future the same way we look back on statements condemning racial equality, but it is a very likely possibility and will probably happen in the near future.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

On Why I Have Not Been Writing Blog Posts Very Often

It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact reason(s) why. This will be a short, muse-y post wherein I prattle on about the topic in an attempt to coax some understanding from myself.

I have gone through creatively stagnant periods before—that is nothing new. While suffering from a bout of depression, I not only found it difficult to write, but I even stopped doodling (which I normally do compulsively while in a class). I got over it, thanks in large part to therapy, and am actually being somewhat productive now when it comes to writing. But somehow I lost interest in my blog for a while.

I periodically come across things that I could blog about, but never get around to actually writing about them. I suspect laziness combined with procrastination (caused by perfectionism?).

Maybe I will tackle some of those topics in the near future.

Something about blog posts this short makes me feel bad(ly?).

Oh, and in good news, I have been published online by the fine people at Apparent Mag!

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Weighty Issue

Hey bloggity blog-blogs! Long time, no see.

Turns out my blogging duties were not the only thing I have neglected. Previously, I gained thirty pounds due to a medication, but successfully lost it by counting calories using an app called My Fitness Pal. Over the last few months, I gained that weight back—I got lazy with watching my diet, and I really, really enjoy food. I know I'm not obese or anything, but going by bmi, I am overweight.

The solution is, of course, to resume dieting. But there something else that might help: getting back to the gym.

There are a number of excuses not to go to the gym: my friends will not be joining me this time (and I have yet to work up the nerve to ask a stranger to spot me), it costs a lot, and there is the intimidation factor when anyone reasonably in shape happens to be there.

But those excuses are just that, excuses. There are tons of physical and mental health benefits and it is enjoyable.

Now I just have to keep at it.

(Pardon the horrible pun title.)